
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Anti-Aging & Hormone Specialists located in Washington, DC

It is easy to get confused about hormone replacement therapy. What does Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) entail? Is my testosterone low? The internet provides endless amounts of information and often at scale. You deserve personalized answers to your questions and a program based on your needs, lifestyle, and goals. The team of anti-aging and hormone specialists at Performance Rejuvenation Center can provide you with those answers and much more. Performance Rejuvenation Center is an Online TRT clinic, call our office to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online. Services are also available in 50 states.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Q & A

At Performance Rejuvenation Center, our team of anti-aging and hormone specialists provides expert guidance and customized TRT plans to help you restore optimal hormone balance. As an online TRT clinic, we offer virtual consultations and services in all 50 states. Call our office to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online!

How common is low testosterone in men?

Low testosterone (low T) is more common in men who have diabetes and in men who carry excess weight. 

  • 30% of overweight men have low T, compared to 6.4% of men with average weight.

  • 24.5% of men with diabetes have low T, compared to 12.6% of men without diabetes.

What are some signs I need testosterone replacement therapy?

You may benefit from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if you have clinically low or sub-optimal testosterone levels (verified by blood work) and symptoms of low testosterone:

  • Low sex drive
  • Loss of strength
  • Loss of body hair
  • Less beard growth
  • Decreased muscle
  • Weight gain & increased body fat
  • Lack of energy
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Mood swings
  • Memory loss
  • Irritability
  • Symptoms of depression

How often have you heard that it’s just a normal part of getting older when you describe symptoms such as loss of sex drive, low motivation, fatigue, or belly fat gain? 

The symptoms mentioned above may be relieved with hormone replacement therapy, such as testosterone replacement therapy.


How does testosterone replacement therapy work? 

TRT works by bringing your body back to a healthy range for testosterone, which then slowly begins to reverse the symptoms of low T. Once a steady baseline dose of testosterone has been established on TRT, most men notice an improvement in their energy levels, vitality, and quality of life.


Comprehensive Testosterone Replacement Therapy Options

Performance Rejuvenation Center offers a range of TRT solutions to fit your lifestyle and preferences, including:

  • Testosterone Injections: A proven method for restoring testosterone levels effectively.

  • Topical Testosterone Cream: A convenient and non-invasive option for in individuals with low testosterone levels (Low T).

  • Kyzatrex: An FDA-approved oral testosterone replacement therapy designed for men with low testosterone. Kyzatrex provides a convenient and effective way to restore testosterone levels without the need for injections or topical applications.


Who is a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy?

You’re likely a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy if you have low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, trouble concentrating, and other hormone related symptoms. TRT is an effective form of treatment for low testosterone. 

Some men develop depression, loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and other physical and emotional symptoms attributed to the gradual decline in testosterone levels. This becomes more common when men reach their late 40s to early 50s, a condition called andropause. TRT can help.

The team at Performance Rejuvenation Center will provide you with testosterone replacement therapy as well as other hormone replacement therapy information that you can trust. Call our office to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online. Telemedicine services are also available in 50 states.